CryptoJobsList Blog

CryptoJobsList turns 6 🎉

4 min read

CryptoJobsList is 6 years this week! 🎉

I built it over a weekend as I was looking for a job in crypto in 2017. Didn’t think much of it. Turned out the timing was right and it took off beyond my expectations.

Below, I’ll share the ups and downs of the journey, where we at today and a glimpse of the future.

6 years cjl.png

Where we at today?

As of today Crypto Jobs List served over 164k job application, over 11k jobs from listed from ~2.5k companies. Jobs are promoted on our Twitter with 52.7k followers, LinkedIn page with 84k followers, newsletter with ~57k weekly deliveries and 40% open rate, 214k members in 491 partner Discord groups. We have a unique job ad bidding system, video applications. Hiring dashboard. New features launching monthly and improvements daily. We have an open analytics page here:

Notable events from the past 6 years:

2017 was an easy exciting ride

Every media wanted to cover everything related to crypto and Bitcoin. Being one of the first job boards in the space, gave the industry additional validation in the eyes of media. “Look! All these bitcoins and cryptos are more than a fad, you can now even get a niche job in this space”. Some of the earliest ICOs, protocols and exchanges were eager to list and pay for jobs with us. Everyone wanted to partner and collaborate. Times were 10x more fun, fast, collaborative compared to building yet another SaaS or consumer app.

2018-2019 were different…

Bear market hit hard. BTC went from 19k to $10 and then hovered over 9k. ETH went from $1.4k down to $100. Most companies who raised an ICO and didn’t liquidate to USD froze hiring. Some months we did as low as $200 in sales. No one was hiring.

In 2018 Google also shipped an update that deranked almost everything “crypto”. We were hit by the update as well. We didn’t go completely out of business like some other victims of this (like CCN news). But it certainly took a toll from optimism and growth momentum.

2020-2022 was a crazy ride up

All new money coming into crypto. DeFi summer taking off. “Web3” is now the new buzzword. And NFTs, of course. New startups are hiring aggressively and throwing money at job ads. Exciting times.

Teaming up

Over this time I decided to expand from a solo indie hacker, that I’ve been for about 3 years at that point and start working with a team. Hiring is harder than it might seem, especially when you are paying salaries with your own money. CJL is bootstrapped, by the way.

Take aways and closing thoughts

If you’ve been in this industry long enough, you probably noticed that each cycle the community tries to distance itself from its the past mistakes, common prejudices and “rebrand” with a new buzzword of the time. You would hear narrative shifts like: “blockchain, not Bitcoin”, “crypto, not blockchain”, “crypto is a scam, web3 is the future”, and so on.

Distracted by FUD, FOMO, fear & greed, the latest new asset class or ponzinomics game, it’s easy to loose sight of what’s it’s all fundamentally about — decentralization. Providing more transparent, democratic alternative to centralized, censored, often corrupt, inefficient, unjust systems. Be it governments, banks, private and public monopolies. Neither of the current centralized and decentralized systems are perfect today, but I believe we can only evolve them by working together.

That’s the mission that Crypto Jobs List is focused on. Help connect companies with the best talent to move the industry forward. Help talent find the best opportunities where they can do their life’s work.

Here is to the decentralized future and meaningful work!

Raman Shalupau

Join us in this celebration in this Telegram community and Twitter thread.

Published on October 10, 2023

Raman Sha
Article by

Founder @ CryptoJobsList. Bought my first Bitcoin in 2014 and been working in crypto full time since 2017. I talk to companies and talent about hiring and the industry overall. Recovering software engineer.

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