CryptoJobsList Blog

How to Find a Full Stack Engineer Without Sifting Through a Stack of Resumés

3 min read

When you’re in the market for a full-stack engineer, speed is of the essence. No one wants an engineer in three months’ time: they want them yesterday. But as weary recruiters will attest, job-seekers can sense the urgency that permeates such vacancies, prompting ill-suited candidates to try their luck with a spontaneously submitted resumé. Pretty soon you’re battling a mountain of paperwork, a stack of applications, and are no closer to finding The One.

While job-seekers are entitled to apply for any vacancy they wish, for startups, this avalanche of applications creates a headache. How do you separate the wheat from the chaff when you’re already overworked and understaffed? Pretty soon what seemed like a solution to a problem – hiring a dedicated developer – can turn into a problem of its own.

This was the predicament that Meld Gold found itself in. The Australian tech company is creating a digital platform, using blockchain technology, that will change the way gold is bought and sold. Meld’s digital gold certificates are industry-backed by a marketplace of gold dealers, refineries, independent vaults, mints, and specialist partners. The startup required the services of a competent full-stack engineer to lead the next phase of its evolution and thus favored quality over quantity when it came to applications.


A simple solution to a pressing problem

In June, Meld Gold posted its engineer vacancy on CryptoJobsList in the hopes that the listing would catch the eye of talented engineers seeking a fresh challenge. The company was not disappointed. As Meld Gold general manager AJ Milne later recounted, the level of candidates the listing attracted was “excellent.”

“As we develop our platform we needed to bring a highly skilled Full Stack Engineer into the team,” explained Milne. “We needed a candidate who was technically excellent, with knowledge of the blockchain industry, and who could act as a conduit between the tech and product/commercial teams.”


Meld Gold received applications from several outstanding candidates, and was able to find the rock star engineer it needed so badly to power the next stage of its development.

“We will definitely use CJL again as we build out other components of the team,” concluded Melt Gold’s GM.

For specialist roles that are hard to fill, you need a specialist recruitment platform. CryptoJobsList matches the best blockchain companies with the best talent in the field. It connects your company to a pipeline of candidates with the skills and aptitude to help your business grow. Which means you can spend less time sifting through resumés and more time perfecting your masterplan to change the world.

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Kai Sedgwick
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Kai's been manipulating words for a living since 2009 and bought his first Bitcoin at $12. It's long gone. He specializes in writing about darknet markets, onchain privacy, and counter-surveillance in the digital age.

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