CryptoJobsList Blog

How to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile for Web3 Jobs [2024]

8 min read

Key Takeaways

  • Update your photo and add a descriptive cover image that reflects your goals and gain more followers on LinkedIn.
  • Craft a compelling headline using web3-specific keywords to improve search visibility.
  • Write a detailed summary that includes your skills, achievements, and quantifiable impacts.
  • Highlight crypto-related experience, education, and certifications relevant to blockchain and decentralized technologies.
  • Add skills pertinent to the crypto industry, seek endorsements, and actively engage to build your network.
  • Include links to crypto-related projects and publications to demonstrate your expertise and thought leadership.
  • Regularly update your profile, participate in discussions, and seek recommendations to enhance credibility.

Over the last few years LinkedIn has taken its place as the professional platform of choice. Even though a lot of things in the crypto world happen on Twitter & Discord, LinkedIn remains an important platform to have a professional presence on.

If you’re applying for internships or jobs, usually the HR team checks out your LinkedIn along with other social media platforms.

It is always a good idea to have a well structured & a complete profile on professional platforms including but not limited to a talent profile on Crypto Jobs List.

This allows you to put your name forward in front of the recruiters who are actively looking for talent in the crypto space.

And as you can imagine, if you don’t have an optimized LinkedIn profile, you might look like a scammer.

In this article, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of optimizing your LinkedIn profile to enhance your visibility, attract relevant connections, and position your profile properly from an SEO perspective too in this exciting world of crypto.

A Professional Profile Picture and Background Image

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Choose a Professional Profile Picture

Crypto is a relaxed space and no one expects you to have studio headshots done.

However, it is a great idea to have a relatively clean picture where you are looking directly into the camera.

One great thing that you can do is take an existing picture and remove the background while adding a solid color instead through any free online image editing apps such as Canva.

This takes 2 clicks, you don’t need to be a graphic designer for this.

Utilize a Simple & Descriptive Cover Image

Pick a cover image that represents your professional goals or just your personality.

The cover image depends on your own personality and can vary greatly from simple graphics to good backgrounds with some text on them.

A common yet professional idea that people follow on LinkedIn is to have a subtle background with 3-4 words about what you do and who you are.

A Compelling Headline and About Section

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An Attention-Grabbing Headline

Be concise and impactful here.

This is also where your focus on the search visibility of your profile should start. A headline will have data for LinkedIn to know who you are and if it should show your profile for specific searches or not.

Using job role specific keywords is highly beneficial but remember we are writing for humans and optimizing for search.

Ideally, we want a headline that is easily understood by the people scrolling through your profile.

Since you’re building a profile for crypto, your headline could include crypto-related tags such as Web3 Social Media Marketer, Ui/UX Designer Specializing In Web3, Blockchain Technology Developer, Solidity Developer, etc. based on your career aspirations!

Write a Professional Summary That Explores Topics and Shares a Story

Summarize your professional background, key skills, and achievements. Use this space to share your professional story and the places where you can be of value to organizations.

Use bullet points, relevant keywords(crypto & web3 related in our case), and quantifiable results to make your summary engaging and informative.

Numbers work well: “We were able to add 57% more reach to the social media accounts within 90 days” is much better than “We expanded the reach by a lot”.

Since this is the summary section make sure to only add one or two main impacts that you have had over the organizations you’ve had a collaboration with.

Relevant Experience Insight, Your Impact, and Education

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Share any relevant experience you have in cryptocurrency & the web3 space, such as internships, projects, or freelance work.

Include details of your contributions, achievements, and the impact of your work.

The same rules apply here too: use numbers and data points to share the results.

Showcase Education and Certifications

Degrees, courses, or certifications related to blockchains, crypto, decentralized ecosystems, nfts, etc.

You can highlight projects you’ve done and other notable moments through your education journey for each of the items in simple bullet points.

High-Impact Fundamental Skills and Endorsements

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Add Work Profile-Specific Skills

Include at least a few skills directly related to the crypto industry and web3 technology. List both technical and non-technical skills.

A great way to see what skills people are looking for is by going through the job descriptions of various job posts out there.

Check out the jobs we have listed on our portal and see what people are looking for in a perfect candidate.

Now compare them to your skill set and list the ones you think match here.

A quick thing to note here is that people usually endorse you for the top 3-4 skills listed on your profile so if you want to get endorsed more for let's say "web3 growth marketing" then place it as the first skill even if it has no endorsements yet.

With time you will get more and more endorsements on that skill, especially as you start to build a body of work in the industry.

Seek endorsements

Reach out to colleagues, teachers, or industry experts who you might have had a chance to work with to endorse your skills.

Actively engage with others via Twitter & LinkedIn to build connections and establish credibility.

A great hack to receive endorsements is simply by giving them out first. Did you work with someone?

Just add some endorsements on their skills on LinkedIn before asking them to endorse you!

Interesting Projects and Industry Publications

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Include descriptions, key tech & skills used, and outcomes achieved. Provide links to GitHub repositories or project websites if needed.

Highlight publications or contributions

If you have written articles, blog posts, or research papers related to crypto, share them in this section.

Include links or attachments to showcase your expertise and thought leadership.

We’d also suggest listing non crypto publications as well.

Get Some Recommendations

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Request People in Your Network

Contact colleagues, supervisors, or clients who can provide genuine recommendations highlighting your skills, work ethic, and accomplishments.

A great way to get recommended is to recommend someone first with a great and well written paragraph before asking them to add a recommendation to your profile.

Recommendations add credibility to your profile and build trust among potential employers or collaborators.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What is Web3 LinkedIn?

Web3 LinkedIn refers to optimizing your LinkedIn profile to align with the skills, roles, and industry practices associated with Web3 technologies like blockchain and decentralized applications. It involves showcasing your expertise and building a network in this innovative sector.

Q2. What is the point of Web3?

The point of Web3 is to create a decentralized internet where users control their own data, identities, and transactions. This next-generation internet aims to reduce reliance on central authorities and intermediaries, promoting more direct interactions and transactions.

Q3. What are Web 3.0 examples?

Examples of Web 3.0 include decentralized finance platforms (DeFi) like Uniswap, decentralized social media networks such as Steemit, and blockchain-based file storage services like Filecoin. These platforms empower users with direct control over their assets and data through decentralized applications built on blockchain technology.

Let’s Wrap

Optimizing your LinkedIn profile is an important step toward building a successful career in crypto & web3.

By carefully spending time to craft a profile that is SEO and user friendly you are increasing your chances of getting shown to relevant people more often in turn increasing your chances of being considered for various positions.

Remember to regularly update your profile, engage with the community, and stay active on LinkedIn.

You can join relevant groups, participate in discussions, and share valuable content to also start building a personal brand as a thought leader in the space.

Additionally we will also recommend that you actively seek out networking opportunities and connect with people working in crypto.

If you’re someone who is looking to transition into a web3 career then you're looking at the right place as we have the right resource for you.

We wrote a guide to getting your first crypto job where we’ve highlighted everything that you will need to know in order to get started with a career in crypto.

To summarize, a well-optimized LinkedIn profile serves as your personal brand booklet, possibly opening doors to exciting opportunities in web3 for you.

With the right approach, your LinkedIn profile can be a valuable asset in propelling your web3 career higher.

As always best of luck on your journey to a successful crypto career!

Shivam Chhuneja
Article by

Passionate about crypto and content. I try to make crypto topics easy to understand in both text and video!

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