Friends With Benefits (FWB) Jobs

Friends With Benefits (FWB) logo

Friends with Benefits (FWB) was started out as an experimental Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO). However, over the last few months, it has grown into a massive community with hundreds of people across the globe in the crypto community. It is a place where web3 developers, artists, and others collaborate.

Anyone can become a member of Friends With Benefits with enough $FWB tokens in their wallet. It is used to access various products such as their Discord, Editorials, Newsletter, events, and more.

As Friends With Benefits is growing, there's also a lot of open full-time positions coming up. They hire designers, developers, copywriters, and more. All of the jobs are remote, and you can choose to get paid in $FWB or USDC. Check out some of the Friends With Benefits Jobs below:

Open roles at Friends With Benefits (FWB)

Friends With Benefits (FWB) doesn't have live jobs at the moment.

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