I am a full stack MERN developer . Blockchain enthusiast open source contributor HBR ascend Member. Mlh fellowship intern CEO founder of Marsec Developer Inc Pakistan...
Senior Software engr bykea
----- is a Software Engineer , Community Manager , Event Organizer and much more his programming ski...see more.
Senior Software engr bykea
✍️ ----- is a Software Engineer , Community Manager , Event Organizer and much more his programming ...see more.
Software Engineer Bank Alfalah
----- have a strong understanding of blockchain fundamentals, including decentralized systems, cons...see more.
Project Manager@ Marsec Developers
I have been working with ----- ----- ----- from couple of years we have worked on various projects t...see more.
Director PR @ MARSEC Developers Pvt Ltd
To whom it may concern, I am writing this letter to wholeheartedly recommend my childhood friend an...see more.
CEO marsec developer
We have worked together. ----- is dedicated and committed person.
Member since October 2020