Customer Support Specialist (Part Time)

Customer Support Specialist (Part Time)
Web3 Talent

I was browsing for part time customer service rolls when I stumbled upon you guys. This seems like a great fit seeing where the future of crypto is going and I have always been interested in learning more. I was introduced to the world of crypto-currency by bitcoin back in 2011 while watching YouTube. It was crazy to me you could "mine" money. I was also 11. I have learned a lot since then and have even worked in customer service since then. I am attending the University of Tulsa working towards my bachelors in finance and these hours fit into my schedule perfectly. ...

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Active over a week ago
🌱 Member since January 2021
Open to Part-time
Open to Full-time
Open to Relocation
Accepts Fiat
Accepts Crypto

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Member since January 2021