To whom it may concern,
I wanted to take. Moment and reach out to you somewhat personally and introduce myself. I should start by saying that I (like many other people) typically dread writing cover letters. In this case, though I am actually excited.
I have spent quite a bit of time looking through your site and thinking about the problem you are trying to solve. Coincidentally some time before running across Decubate, I was talking with a co-worker about how incredible it would be to be involved with a platform like yours. The idea of essentially decentralizing crowd funding and bridging interaction between innovators and investors is an ...
Software Engineer @ AirGarage
----- would be a great engineer to have on your team. I worked with him at What's Cookin' for a year...see more.
Me and ----- both work closely in the whatscookin app development as a UX designer he is very attent...see more.
Member since May 2021