🎓Currently in my second year of DUT Métiers du multimédia et de l'internet (MMI) in Lieusaint. I also hold the position of computer graphics designer as a work-study student in the IUT of Sénart Fontainebleau.
🏫Future student at Efrei within the Bachelor Marketing & Communication .
⚡ I am actively looking for a work-study in a company offering blockchain solutions in order to implement all my know-how and communication skills.
💻Passionate about design and decentralized technology (Crypto, NFT, DeFi, Dapp, DAO, Web3). My education allows me to be comfortable in the fields of digital, graphic design, audiovisual and communication....
What is the difference between SpaceX and Bitcoin? SpaceX will actually return to earth after liftoff, bitcoin will not.
Member since May 2022