Even though I´m 21, I´ve been 3 years in the crypto space. I first started to dig into this world by mining Ether. Since I started, I realized it was more than a hobby. I was learning new things all the time.
Some of my backgrounds include working in a small mining farm, being in 2 big crypto communities (currently Crypto Barca) and many hours investing in Defi. I recently participated in the Celo Connect event as a NFT host and I could say I have a general experience within the ecosystem. At the moment, I´m doing a Blockchain course on LinkedIn and I plan to keep improving my knowledge. In addition, I believe I could be a great fit as I ...
comunidad Cripto & Barca
Tuve la dicha de conocer a -----, a través de la Comunidad de Cripto & Barca. Con sus jóvenes 21 añ...see more.
MediaBuyer // User Acquisition at Exoclick
I've know ----- for a few months already and I can tell he's a truly advocate of Crypto and he has a...see more.
Member since May 2022