Product Manager / Full-stack/ Blockchain developer

Product Manager / Full-stack/ Blockchain developer
Web3 Talent


I'm an experienced Product Manager proficient in Web3, ML and AI, with a strong foundation in Agile methodologies, including Scrum for efficient product development. I excel at creating and managing product roadmaps, tracking milestones, and producing comprehensive Product Requirements Documents. Leveraging my expertise in customer insights, market research, and cross-functional collaboration, I deliver innovative, customer-centric solutions. My specialization lies in DeFi, ReFi, smart contracts and NFT development, and I have in-depth knowledge of blockchain fundamentals, including smart contracts, Web3, decentralized autonomous organization...

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Active over a week ago
🚀 In crypto since 2020
🌱 Member since March 2022
TypeScriptNext.JSReactJavaScriptSolidityMetaplexSeleniumAnchorWordPressAlchemyMoralisThe NetlifyNode.jsIPFSFilecoinCargoJenkins CICD pipelinesWeb3.jsReact.jsNext.jsHardhatMongoDBPostmanInfura
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Member since March 2022