English or Spanish? in both cases I can perfectly speak, write, understand and translate texts in both languages with logical sense and organic understanding, avoiding automatic or forced translations. Also, blockchain gaming is a really interesting aspect that not everyone is talking about. At leas
I consider myself a curious person with concern for continuous training, learning new skills and perfecting those already acquired. Degree in Marketing and Market Research, an academic journey that has provided me with a solid foundation in the field of marketing and the business world, but I must
Good afternoon My name is -----, a young accountant with a master degree in finance and capital markets. I am a highly motivated and goal oriented professional with a extreme passion for crypto currencies and the stock market (actually working trading options) I really love this industry, and i am v
I work in the sales and marketing on Good Year Ve. I like the crypto world. I used to work in industries like Web3 & Cryptocurrencies, Journalism, Tech, Recruitment, and more. I have 3+ years in marketing. I want to fight for a sustainable and decentralized world.
I have 2 years of experience in Sales, business development managing and project leading for Dash Digital Cash. I am a former Dash Merchant Venezuela Business developer manager and Dash Latam Project leader for Remittances and business developer.
Dear team of human talent, I give you a cordial greeting. My former bosses consider me a problem solver, even though I am a Civil Engineer, I will manage to contribute to finding the solution to any problem, whether mechanical, economic, etc. I practice Stoic philosophy. 3-minute Resume Video: https
I own a multidisciplinary profile, with a strong foundation in psychology, digital marketing, and business optimization. However, driven by a lifelong dream, I decided to pivot my career into IT, focusing on web development. My journey began during the pandemic, and within months, I was working on
Hola 👋 Soy Comunicadora visual, además hago ilustraciones rarísimas desde que tengo uso de razón y que hoy en día están siendo parte de mi colección de arte NFT asegurada en Bitcoin a través de la red de código abierto Stacks. Mi vida profesional ha estado impregnada siempre de experiencias digita
Estoy activa en el campo laboral desde los 17 años de edad, iniciando como Oficinista Integral Financiero, cajera integral, tesorera, supervisora de caja, ejecutiva de cuenta, considerándome profesional de la banca. También me destaqué como profesional en ventas de productos en una empresa multinaci
I have experience in criptospace, nft, defi , i made my twitter acc growth from 300 followers to 7.8k followers in less than a 4 month . https://twitter.com/CoachFredle
I am a person who has had a lot of experience in the area of digital marketing and as a community manager, I am looking for more knowledge in the area of cryptocurrencies and I know that you can offer it to me, the truth is that I am not very interested in salary but I am interested in learning all
----- ----- A. Panama Rep of Panama - +507 6613 1602 – February 5, 2022 SINOFY RE: SALES DIRECTOR Dear Hiring Manager: I am applying for the Sales Director position that I saw advertised on this website. I believe that I meet all the essential sales criteria for the role and I feel that I can make a
Creo que tengo capacidad de redacción, aunque lo que mejor puede hablar de mí es lo que escribo. Dejo abajo el guion del video que antés mencioné que hice, apoyando a la comunidad de Crown.
Más de 20 años de experiencia en Ventas en diversos Sectores, manejo de equipos de ventas presencial y remoto, habilidad en negociación y muchas ganas de seguir aprendiendo y creciendo en el Sector Criptografico.
Tengo las capacidades y la experiencia para poder proporcionar los artículos que se solicitan, actualmente trabajo freelance y tengo experiencia anterior con otras empresas también en puestos relacionados al que se me solicita, favor contactarme para poder proporcionarles los artículos que he redact
Considero que soy el candidato ideal para este trabajo por mi única combinación de conocimientos técnicos, experiencia en el área y habilidad de redacción. Mi recorrido por este mundo inició en 2016, cuando compré bitcoin a través de localbitcoins. Para ese momento, Venezuela ya era el país con la m
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