Contract Salary
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The average Contract salary (globally) is $108,100 per year.
Salary estimates are based on anonymous submissions by Contracts, website users just like you and collected from past and present job posts.
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Updated Feb 16, 2025Like these stats? β Ask your friends to contribute. Post
Smart Contract Engineer Salary
π Ghana / Remote Accra, Ghanaβ Based on GeoIP. Might not be accurate if submitted via VPN.π 24 years old
Junior Smart Contract Auditor Salary
π USA Mumbai, Indiaβ Based on GeoIP. Might not be accurate if submitted via VPN.β³ 1 years of experienceπ 23 years old
Smart Contract Engineer Salary
βοΈ Fast paced companies take a lot of risk with contract securityπ Palo Alto Bur Dubai, United Arab Emiratesβ Based on GeoIP. Might not be accurate if submitted via VPN.π 1 years at the companyβ³ 2 years of experienceπ 25 years old
Smart Contract Developer Salary
π turkey SelΓ§uklu, TΓΌrkiyeβ Based on GeoIP. Might not be accurate if submitted via VPN.π 3 years at the companyβ³ 3 years of experienceπ 32 years old
Smart Contract Developer Salary
π Croatia Belgrade, Serbiaβ Based on GeoIP. Might not be accurate if submitted via VPN.β³ 5 years of experienceπ 30 years old
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Annual Web3 Salaries for Key Roles
Role | Mean Annual Salary | Min Annual Salary. P10 | Max Annual Salary. P90 |
Legal | $105,996 | $30,000 | $250,000 |
Product | $101,691 | $30,000 | $180,000 |
Solidity | $101,056 | $22,000 | $180,000 |
Sales | $100,609 | $25,000 | $180,000 |
Finance | $92,188 | $30,000 | $160,000 |
Developer | $84,213 | $20,000 | $150,000 |
Marketing | $76,640 | $18,000 | $150,000 |
Design | $75,163 | $15,000 | $140,000 |
Community | $45,678 | $10,000 | $100,000 |