Java Salary
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The average Java salary (globally) is $81,322 per year.
Salary estimates are based on anonymous submissions by Javas, website users just like you and collected from past and present job posts.
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Updated Jan 31, 2025Like these stats? โ Ask your friends to contribute. Post
Programmer In Javascript Salary
๐ Moscow Moscow, Russiaโ Based on GeoIP. Might not be accurate if submitted via VPN.๐ 1 years at the companyโณ 2 years of experience๐ 22 years old
Your Job Titleโฆsenior React Developerreact,javascript Salary
โ๏ธ Underpaid for the number of hours committed๐ Singapore Singapore, Singaporeโ Based on GeoIP. Might not be accurate if submitted via VPN.๐ 2 years at the companyโณ 3 years of experience๐ 30 years old
Senior Java Developer Salary
โ๏ธ No remote jobs :(๐ Poland Warsaw, Polandโ Based on GeoIP. Might not be accurate if submitted via VPN.๐ 1 years at the companyโณ 5 years of experience๐ 24 years old
Programmer In Javascript Salary
โ๏ธ i love my work๐ italy Pescara, Italyโ Based on GeoIP. Might not be accurate if submitted via VPN.๐ Self employed๐ 19 years old
Senior Java Developer Salary
โ๏ธ I๐ India / Remote Pune, Indiaโ Based on GeoIP. Might not be accurate if submitted via VPN.โณ 15 years of experience๐ 36 years old
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Annual Web3 Salaries for Key Roles
Role | Mean Annual Salary | Min Annual Salary. P10 | Max Annual Salary. P90 |
Legal | $105,996 | $30,000 | $250,000 |
Product | $101,691 | $30,000 | $180,000 |
Solidity | $101,056 | $22,000 | $180,000 |
Sales | $100,609 | $25,000 | $180,000 |
Finance | $92,188 | $30,000 | $160,000 |
Developer | $84,213 | $20,000 | $150,000 |
Marketing | $76,640 | $18,000 | $150,000 |
Design | $75,163 | $15,000 | $140,000 |
Community | $45,678 | $10,000 | $100,000 |