I have experience in the field of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology journalism. I am curious and learn fast. Before writing an article, I document very well on the subject. I always stand out in my work. And I'm looking for new horizons in the world of cryptocurrency technology.
Porque tengo las cualidades necesarias, como creatividad, investigación, análisis, estructuración de textos, y siempre propongo algo diferente al escribir, lo que marca la pauta y la diferencia.
I consider myself a curious person with concern for continuous training, learning new skills and perfecting those already acquired. Degree in Marketing and Market Research, an academic journey that has provided me with a solid foundation in the field of marketing and the business world, but I must
My name’s -----, I am 32 years old. I have been passionate about the crypto world since the moment I found out about it about 2 years ago. I do mining, holding, stacking and farming but before I started all this way I read, watched videos, podcast, did my own research but never stopped learning. I b
Hi, I think should be a great fit for this job because I liked all related with blockchain, crypto and web 3 in general. The decentralized world has just begun and everything it can achieve is incredible.
Cause I'm ready to this kind of challenges and if there is something I don't have experience in, I make sure to learn it and develop it with the best results.
Im a really good designer, a fas thinker and a very efficient worker. You can see my work here if you like. https://www.behance.net/Falucho Thank you! Nicolás
Hace un tiempo tuve la oportunidad de organizar charlas en donde explicaba a un publico muy variado sobre tecnologias blockchain, Bitcoin y smart contracts, y lo que esa experiencia me dejó fue la capacidad de interpretar que quiere saber el publico en general sobre estas nuevas tecnologias, que pre
Dear team of human talent, I give you a cordial greeting. My former bosses consider me a problem solver, even though I am a Civil Engineer, I will manage to contribute to finding the solution to any problem, whether mechanical, economic, etc. I practice Stoic philosophy. 3-minute Resume Video: https
I own a multidisciplinary profile, with a strong foundation in psychology, digital marketing, and business optimization. However, driven by a lifelong dream, I decided to pivot my career into IT, focusing on web development. My journey began during the pandemic, and within months, I was working on
I'm ----- -----, a dedicated Customer Service Representative with two years of hands-on experience in managing customer inquiries, troubleshooting issues, and enhancing user satisfaction. Throughout my career, I’ve built a strong foundation in customer support, adept at problem-solving and deliverin
Mi historia es la de alguien que ha dedicado su vida a transformar la educación a través del esfuerzo, la dedicación y la pasión por enseñar. Soy licenciada en matemáticas y cuento con una formación que va desde la pedagogía tradicional hasta métodos innovadores, siempre enfocada en impactar positiv
I've there. Fed-up working on web2 projects, I've decided to move in web3. +15 experience, actually building fairhive.io and looking for partners (tech / business / growth hackers / invest. / etc). Win-win : can collaborate on your projects if you sustain mines.
Hola 👋 Soy Comunicadora visual, además hago ilustraciones rarísimas desde que tengo uso de razón y que hoy en día están siendo parte de mi colección de arte NFT asegurada en Bitcoin a través de la red de código abierto Stacks. Mi vida profesional ha estado impregnada siempre de experiencias digita
Hello, I am a digital marketing strategist. During my years working in the industry, I helped my clients to introduce their brands inside retail chains like Walmart, Soriana, and Costco Latin America. I am responsible to generate and design the SEM and SEO strategist and coordinate the team between
----- is admitted to practice law in Italy. He graduated cum laude and completed a research thesis on the application of blockchain technology within civil enforcement laws, as well as obtained the certification on Computer Science for Lawyers course (CS50L). He did his internship in one of the top
[First of all, I speak Spanish, but I know how to use tools to my advantage to attend in English.] English: I am a person who started in the Crypto investment area without knowing anything about Blockchain. This made me gain a lot of experience in the use of the blockchain, the understanding of the
AvailableActive over a week agoBuenos Aires, ArgentinaGMT-3
R StudioPower BI
Hi, my name is ----- -----. Nowadays, I run 2 companies of my own: one is dedicated to soccer cleats selling, the other is a centralization of various financial services in Argentina. Before I started my 2 companies, I used to be a business developer at Stämm. I was in Stämm for a year and a half. T
A hybrid of creativity, technology, communication and design ... My aim is 360 ° communication through the image. I am not only involved in graphics, I am not only an artist or a technician involved in putting together colors and shapes, I am not just a creative. My task is to develop visual mater
🎓Currently in my second year of DUT Métiers du multimédia et de l'internet (MMI) in Lieusaint. I also hold the position of computer graphics designer as a work-study student in the IUT of Sénart Fontainebleau. 🏫Future student at Efrei within the Bachelor Marketing & Communication . ⚡ I am active
Somos una Compañía líder en Innovación Tecnológica en Soluciones Digitales. Nuestros Servicios: 1. Desarrollo de Software 2. Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Móviles en Android e iOS 3. Diseño y creación de Sitios Web (Tiendas Virtuales) 4. Marketing Digital 5. Ecommerce
Enthusiastic Brand Specialist and eager to contribute to team success through hard work, attention to detail and excellent organizational skills. Looking to tie together a life full of colorful world experiences and a strong educational background in a career that motivates me to learn, grow and exc
Actualmente Trabajo como Betatester en diferentes proyectos con tecnologías Blockchain descentralizadas ,DAOs, DeFi ,web3 ,NFT , LP,Farming,play-to-earn-GameFi aplicaciones financieras , criptomonedas , wallets. Poseo diferentes cursos en informática y afines te invito a visitar la pagina con NFTs c
Cryptocurrency holder since 2015, I am looking for new professional experiences in the communication and marketing sector more specifically as an Influencer Manager. I am looking forward to putting my skills at the service of your company.
I am a great candidate for this position as I have been in the crypto ecosystem for 3 years and have participated in several crypto project communities and crypto communication and education. Plus I am a content creator and have a small community. It is very important to understand the audience and
Hola! Mi nombre es -----, soy un gran candidato para su necesidad. Tengo experiencia administrando comunidades grandes como también en comunicación audiovisual de productos o servicios. Mis mayores virtudes son el liderazgo de equipos de trabajo, compresión y resolución de conflictos, atención al cl
I consider myself prepared for the job because: - I am an industrial engineer and I know how to define and measure KPIs. - I have experience leading work teams. - I have experience in direction, control, planning and management. - Proactive and creative, focused on continuous improvement.
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