Web3 Front End Developer/Blockchain Developer

Web3 Front End Developer/Blockchain Developer
Web3 Talent


As a Front End Developer with a passion for blockchain technology and decentralized finance, my journey has been one of continuous growth and evolution. With nearly two decades of experience as a web developer, I have honed my skills in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and UI/UX design, establishing myself as a proficient and adaptable professional in the realm of web 2.0 development.

However, recognizing the transformative potential of blockchain technology, I made a deliberate decision to level up my career and transition into the realm of web 3.0 development. This decision led me to embark on a rigorous mentorship program in blockchain development,...

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Active over a week ago
🚀 In crypto since 2023
🌱 Member since April 2024
Open to Full-time
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Accepts Fiat
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Why did the blockchain developer go broke? Because he lost all his hashes!


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Member since April 2024